Do you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted? Do you feel drained and lose energy on all levels? Do you feel unable to focus your attention for more than a few minutes? Do you become constantly stressed and your anxiety level rises for no apparent reason? Do you become irritable for the slightest reason and are you no longer able to control your emotions?
If the answer is “yes” to most of these questions. then burnout is sounding the alarm. You need to pay attention to the alarm bell that is ringing loudly to draw your attention to the need to stop running the race of life and pause to take a breath… Here are the following ways to bring harmony back into your rhythm: 1- Get enough sleep Imagine that your body is a machine. Just as you shut down your computer at the end of each day to ensure that it gets enough rest to work efficiently the next day, you will have to do the same with your exhausted and tired body, which is in dire need of rest to recharge the mind and body, and research has indicated that good sleep cleanses the brain. Research indicates that good sleep “literally” cleanses the brain from the toxins that stuck to it during the day, and this good sleep should in no way be less than seven or eight hours a day, and when you reach the degree of psychological burnout, rest becomes a priority, so you have to sleep as if tomorrow will never come, without anxiety, stress or constant thinking about the tasks that must be accomplished…. Just fall asleep and don’t think about anything at all.
2- Enjoy eating Studies show that eating food that you like can help improve your mood, so try to enjoy what you eat, not only to satisfy your hunger, but also to improve your mood. Make a list of the foods you like, eat them with enjoyment and relish, feel the taste on your tongue, take your time eating and you can accomplish some simple tasks while doing so, such as answering text messages or emails or thinking about what you should do later, the important thing is that this does not interfere with your enjoyment and relish of your meal.
3. Stop supplying your body with “caffeine” Caffeine is a stimulant that directly affects the central nervous system, which is why a small cup of coffee can make your heart muscle run non-stop and your brain work for hours, so if you are feeling stressed, tense, and burned out you should stop supplying your body with caffeine so as not to worsen the situation, and instead start resting your body and mind, exercise or at least walk daily regularly, practice meditation and relaxation sessions, help yourself recover and become more energized and alert without using stimulants.
4- Stay active. Keep moving, and what is meant by movement here is the active movement that helps you to discharge the negative and angry charges that have been locked inside your body for a long time, and the best way for this is to exercise as we mentioned earlier, and studies have proven that active movement helps improve mood, reduce stress and nervous tension, strengthen memory and facilitate thinking, so practicing sports from 10 minutes to 30 minutes at the beginning of each day will make you more active and able to focus for the rest of the day, and the situation will become better the more regular you practice morning sports and make it a daily habit that is indispensable at the beginning of each new day.
5- Start meditating… Enjoy the silence When we start telling people about the healing power of meditation, they usually don’t believe it, or at least wonder why we professionals are interested in It is enough to mention that at least 80% of patients visiting clinics are victims of anxiety and stress, regardless of the type of disease, so imagine with me how much time, effort and money can be saved if you achieve some self-care for yourself and take care of your calmness Imagine how much time, effort and money could be saved if you achieve some self-care and take care of your calmness and practice meditation regularly, to reduce psychological pressure, immunize the mind and make it immune to daily tensions, improve sleep, and perhaps increase the feeling of happiness as well, as people who believe in the therapeutic power of meditation and practice it on a daily basis are usually more rational and more able to face life challenges with calmness and solidity.
6- Do what you “want” to do, not what you “should” do, very simply. Do what makes you feel happy, and here you must distinguish between two very important things, not every action that brings you a sense of achievement will bring with it a sense of happiness, meaning that your professional achievement will not necessarily make you happy, so do not burn yourself out trying to reach the highest levels of success and then start complaining about burnout because you mistakenly believe that achievement and happiness are two sides of the same coin. From time to time you will have to start doing things that you enjoy regardless of the level of achievement, simple things like buying yourself a gift like the shoes you liked and wearing them happily, or rewarding yourself by eating your favorite dessert while enjoying watching a movie on a weekend evening, whatever you decide to do, the important thing is that it makes you happy, to be free for a while from what you “should” and go for what you “want” and “need” without any other considerations.
7- Learn to listen to your body Our bodies usually try to tell us many things, they try very hard but we don’t listen, they tell us that things are not okay, they scream at us sometimes violently, but we have not learned to listen to them and pay attention to the alarm bells issued by our body organs as a clear and explicit warning of what could happen later on as a result of our negligence and inability to interpret these signals. Start learning to interpret what your body is telling you, listen to your bowels, are they tense, ask yourself what is going wrong, listen to your hair, is it trying to tell you something with its constant shedding? Slow down a bit, start listening to your body, be honest with yourself about your feelings, pay attention to the signals, and look for answers that explain those signals, inevitably you will get results, and the surprise will be that when you fix it, your body will stop screaming, as if nothing happened!
8- Break the circle of routine Breaking your routine is the best cure for boredom and boredom in the world, challenge yourself to do something completely new once a week, and if you are motivated to change your life completely, start doing it daily, learn new things, new experiences and experiences will open great horizons for you, and make you think completely different from what you are used to, and you will start to perceive things differently, and then you will become happier and more interested in life and eager for more unusual and enjoyable experiences.
9- Invest in building healthy relationships Sometimes our relationships with others become the source of constant anxiety and stress, so it will take some time to fix what time has spoiled, invest in building positive and healthy relationships, and stay away from toxic relationships that bring depression and negativity to your life. Reevaluate your relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and even yourself. Identify the positives and negatives that these relationships bring to your life in a neutral way, make a list of relationships that need nurturing, another list of relationships that need repairing, and a third list of relationships that need to be ended immediately to maintain your psychological equilibrium. Start now and don’t be afraid to take this step, be confident in your judgment and prioritize your emotional well-being above all else.
10- Keep a journal Writing a diary or journal helps relieve stress, enhances understanding of many situations, triggers creativity, and helps you keep track of your goals step by step. The important thing is to enjoy this habit at the end of each day, not to force yourself to do it. There is nothing wrong with stopping writing if you feel exhausted or bored, as the main goal of the daily practice of writing down events and situations is to use writing as one of the ways of expression, in addition to giving the mind enough space to rethink these situations and events again, evaluate them objectively, and know the new steps that must be taken in each situation separately.
Wishing everyone good health and happiness 😊
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