Psychological assessment

Psychological assessment is an in-depth evaluation of an individual’s psychological and behavioral aspects, with the aim of better understanding their issues and needs, and directing them towards appropriate treatment. The main objectives of this service are to provide a comprehensive and accurate analysis of the individual’s psychological situation, identify the difficulties and challenges they face, identify potential psychological disorders, and develop an appropriate treatment plan according to their individual needs

This service is only offered in-person for assessment purposes, as online sessions may affect the accuracy of the results. Psychological assessment is a disciplined process that requires direct interaction between the psychologist and the client, through observation of behavior and personal interaction with the individual

The number and duration of sessions are determined after knowing the client’s needs and the goal of the assessment, as the necessary time is allocated to complete the assessment comprehensively and accurately. During these sessions, the psychologist focuses on providing support and guidance to the individual to better understand themselves and work on achieving personal growth and positive change in their lives

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